Shree Vinayak Motors, authorized dealer of Piaggio Three-Wheeler for Odisha have received National Award by F A D A as Dealer of the year 2018, among all dealers and all Brands across India in Three Wheeler category on 9th February 2018 organized at Delhi.
Shree Vinayak Motors was Awarded for Best Performance in CDMS USAGE, SQI AUDIT, SPARE PART for year-2016-17, Best Dealer In Spare Parts-2015-16, State Parts Champion Piaggio & State Service Champion Piaggio East-2-2014, Best Dealer In SQI-2015 To 2016, Superior Performance In Spare Parts-2014, 2nd Best Performance In Lubes-2015 To 2016, 2nd Best Performance In Post Warranty Reporting-2015-2016, Best Upcoming Debut Dealer for The Year 2013, Superior Service Performance for the Year-2014.